Saturday, August 27, 2011

Irene Prep

First I wait a week to post, then two posts in under 24 hours. Gotta get it in while we still have power! 

When a natural disaster is predicted, it is of utmost importance to find a way to still get your weekend miles in. Therefore, Sunday's run was moved to Friday, and I met my running group this morning for a 14 miler. I was fully expecting to be running in the rain the entire time, so I was very happy that I even made it home before the rain started! The run was super humid, but no rain or wind - yet.

I train with a store called Charm City Run, and they partnered with Underarmour this morning. The group met up at the Underarmour factory in downtown Baltimore.

Jill and I, ready to start.

No rain yet, but looks ominous.

Our starting point, Tide Point, right on the water.

Tons of crazies ready to get their long runs in before Irene.

 We got a sneak peak at Underarmour's new products. I love Underarmour, but this morning, I just wanted to get started and get the run down so I could get home and "hunker down". Note - if I were playing a drinking game with the phrase "Hunker Down", I would have been wasted five hours ago.

I ran with Mike and Jill. It was pretty cool that our run was at the harbor because we got to see all sorts of interesting hurricane prep.
UN building

All the boat owners are just screwed.

They brought the Coast Guard in to protect us!

 Tide point from the other side of the harbor - looks so close - not like we had just run 7  miles away from it!

Tons of sandbags being filled

One of the people in charge told us 20,000 sandbags were filled!

Sandbags at the rich people's houses.

 We tried to take a few cut throughs that ended up being blocked off. That's how I ended up with 14.5 miles instead of 14.

 We met back at the Underarmour headquarters for bagels and coffee.

 Just in time - the half marathoners always get the first picks!
I was overwhelmed with my cream cheese choices.
 I went with the only logical solution - five kinds of cream cheese. Literally.
 My first Keurig experience! It was delicious. I hadn't had hot coffee since May.
Jill and I chowed our bagels, we were starving after that run. So delicious.

And that's that! Time to chill for the weekend. I am operating under the assumption that we'll lost power in five or six hours. If not, cool, but I am completely convinced we will as of right now. We are not even sleeping in our bed tonight because there's a huge tree outside the bedroom. BRING IT, IRENE!

Just kidding. Irene terrifies me, and I'm praying that the weather channel totally sensationalized everything and all the preparation will be for nothing. On the bright side, in addition to buying Oreo ice cream yesterday, we were supposed to have a s'more party tonight. Obviously no one is coming over to help us eat them anymore, and the s'more maker does not require power. You do the math.


  1. Enjoy those s'mores tonight! I feel that the logical solution is to eat them while you wait for power to return. Stay safe and take care!

  2. I just filled up like 6 gallons worth of water bottles, but I keep thinking Irene is completely hyped and nothing will happen. Meanwhile, Kara doesn't have power, so I'm probably wrong.

    Is it me or does the UN building look like it's preparing for a zombie attack?

    Your run sounds awesome. I want to go to UA headquarters. I LOVE Under Armour.


    We over used the phrase "Batton down the hatches!" horribly this weekend. :)

  4. Great multimedia post. Are you gonna bring extra memory sticks for the camera for your next ultra?


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