Monday, August 1, 2011

Pirates and my 7:18 mile

Some years ago, actually way less than you would guess from looking, the world was graced with the greatest mother it had ever seen:
She is the best gift giver ever, and the hardest person to buy a gift for ever. She even already has a giant spatula.
Showing off the bling when we were the only mother daughter duo who were both engaged.
Looking beautiful on my wedding day.
 If you want to read all about some of the many reasons she's awesome, check out my Mother's Day post. Happy birthday, Mom!

Our friend John also had a birthday this past Saturday, and we celebrated in the best way anyone could ever celebrate a birthday.
 An urban pirate cruise. Basically a bunch of grown ups pretending to be pirates while a pirate ship takes them around Baltimore's Inner Harbor.

I had a little trouble with my pirate face. My first attempt looked....special.
 And it didn't get much better.
 It didn't help that Eric was so good at it.
 They give you pirate clothes.
 And tattoos for the guns.
 As you can see, I gave up on attempting a pirate face and just went with looking scarily angry.

The pirates running the ship would yell things like "we're under attack! Man the canons!" And then you'd get to squirt landlubbers on shore with nasty water from the harbor.

 Here I am with the birthday boy.

After the cruise we sung a little karaoke, then took a cab back to John and Carolyn's apartment. Eric got a little tired when we arrived.
 We eventually convinced him to lay down on the air mattress.
 But in the morning he fell off while we were eating breakfast.
 Carolyn and I ate breakfast, hung out a bit, and went to the pool for nearly two hours. We came back up at 1:30 pm to this.

After all that excitement, I was still supposed to do my timed mile for Kari's "Proof you didn't peak in high school" challenge. I couldn't put it off any more since I'd already waited until the last day. To give it my all, I had wanted it to be my only workout of the day, but it was tough to fit that in during July, what with my second 50K, a half marathon, a duathlon, and training for and resting from all these events.

Before I even got out of bed air mattress that morning, I'd emailed Kari to say I completely sucked at life and was too hungover didn't think I could do it. But, I did want to work out yesterday, so I figured a workout that would only take (hopefully) 7-8 minutes was my best bet. 

After living it up the night before, I was pretty nervous.  Also it was about 96 degrees out, and I'd run 16 miles the previous day.
Oh delicious almond tequila, why did I drink so much of you?

I warmed up a bit, then randomly ran a mile around my  neighborhood (too lazy to drive to a track). I surprised myself by finishing in 7:18! Which was creepily my bib number!
 Sweatastic beauty was how Kari described me. That was nice of her. I would probably go with nasty sweaty beast.
I guess I didn't peak in high school, since when I tried to run the mile then I had an asthma attack after 3 laps, and the gym teacher forced me to finish, and then my asthma got so bad my mom had to come pick me up. Yup, I was awesome then too.


  1. Way to go, 718! I've tried to workout hungover before. I was far less successful than you.

  2. Where is Eric's brown paper bag for that 40? :)

    I'm really impressed that you still went out and did the mile. I thought about it when I got home from my run. Then I realized that just wasn't going to happen. I guess I'll never know if I peaked in high school. :)

  3. hahahah! Your night was insane! Imagine how much fast you'll be when you're racing Eric in the next one. lol. Also, if you were my wife, i think I'd take the camera away when I knew i was going to get drunk.

  4. Happy birthday to your mom!

    And wowza - 7:18! Great job!!

  5. 7:18 -- NICE! Major props too...being hungover and all.

    OK, so now I completely understand your comment on my post this morning. A pirate cruise is awesome. Too bad you didn't do it on Friday night. We took the river taxi for a brief moment before we realized we were going the wrong way. BUT, I'm sure I would have noticed some pirates.

    I'm bummed we couldn't meet up. Someday, someday :)

  6. Awesome job on the mile! Yeah...7:18 is a significant improvement from wheezy asthma attacks. Nice.
    Eric is an eerily good pirate!

  7. hahaha. oh, the pirate ship...i def have to do that.

    congrats on your mile! you are freakin speedy!

    oh, and happy b-day to your ma! :)

  8. I like the spraying the tourists part. But, there seems to be a glaring lack of food. Or are you just too shy to post the shots of you ripping apart raw animals? C'mon, you are a blog-celebrity, you gotta let it hang out.

  9. I like the spraying the tourists part, and the sleeping parts, but there is a glaring lack of food and eating.

    Are you just too shy to let us see you daintily ripping apart raw pirate food? You're a blogcelebrity - time to let it all hang out!

  10. Oh and congrats on succeeding ath the mile challenge. I heard that some people were too lazy to even attempt it.


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