Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pre - exercise post?

Not sure how this is going to work since the point of this blog was to blog my exercise during marathon training so I can look back when I am 80 and remember how it felt to run 12 miles in July when it was 90 degrees and 98% humidity (for example). Although maybe when I'm 80 I'll still be running? Anyway, I am really trying to post every day but I won't have any time after my run today so I guess I'll have to review that tomorrow. I am meeting my marathon group at the track for some partner 800s (in 90 degree heat), then heading straight to trivia! (Well, straight from the shower that is). However, yesterday I did do a circuit of random exercises ripped out of an old SELF magazine last night and it was tough! The bright side was the Office came on and I totally forgot about the one where Jim and Roy almost get in a fight. And I could do the whole circuit twice in less time than it took to watch the episode. That was a pretty lame review since I didn't really give any clue as to what the exercises were. Basically using a weight and matwork/abwork/upper body work with those fun moves that hit a bunch of muscles at once. I also vacuumed...which counts for exercise, right? I moved the dining room chairs and everything!

Random thoughts:

Heat makes me tired - like I can barely get off the couch when I get home from my half day of work
Marathon training makes me super hungry...and the mileage is still relatively low... I might be in trouble
On the radio this morning the DJ said women only eat lollipops to look sexy...but I find them delicious...and do not look sexy eating them
Some chocolate cake is still in my fridge...success...although the extra filling is gone...oops....

Tomorrow I will reveal my opinion of the partner 800s and if we are the trivia winners for the third week in a row! Off to do some cleaning - I offered to let everyone sleep over after trivia since we live across the street!

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