Friday, October 7, 2011

Weekend plans

There's no doubt I'm looking more and more weird during those casual Friday conversations with co-workers, where someone says something like "So, what are you up to this weekend?", and more and more frequently, my answer is something about running. 

Note - I'm referring to people I'm not Facebook friends with. Facebook friends are well aware of my obsession.

Yet, this weekend, what am I doing? Once again, the plans revolve around running. I stand by my statement: There are worse addictions. Like heroin. 

Also, most people think of marathon training as something you have to miss fun plans for. What they don't realize is, if you find fellow crazy people, runs actually are a social activity. 

Before all this running though, I'm returning to the scene of the crime. 

Howl at the Moon, where one night an innocent young teacher had no idea the bouncer checking her ID would become her husband.
Limo? Who needs a limo after your wedding?
He still knows the way to my heart nearly 6 years later. He came home from Costco last night with this:
After a hot run, there is nothing like a cold pickle. Try it.
I posed my treat next to my coffee mug to show the true size.

Random thought - I just looked at the wedding picture again, and apparently I put my veil back on just for that? Weird.

Sadly though, he won't be joining us tonight, because he has to work. At 9pm. Carolyn's coworker won a happy hour from 5-8. Obviously, I won't be seeing him, I'll be home in bed by the time he clocks in.

She told me to invite people (her coworker gets "credit" for each person who attends the happy hour, towards prizes) so I invited an adorable young man I work with. He didn't think he could go, but asked me where I'd be when the happy hour ended. 

Um, in bed.  The happy hour IS my night out. These young kids are crazy.

I need to get to bed early, to get up early Saturday, to replicate this picture.
Same place, different outfits

More like these outfits
 Kara told me about a ten mile race put on by her local running group after I struggled through the hot, hilly Baltimore Ten Miler, this past June. I've been told this race will be flat, and, since it's October, hopefully much cooler. I signed up for it with promises of a slumber party and pillow fights at Kara's house the night before.

Last weekend, she mentioned doing 14 miles on a nearby trail on Saturday, so I decided to go down and join her, and then spend the day stalking her and her family hanging out with her. My kids just spent two full reading periods taking the world's most boring test (seriously, I was bored out of my mind just giving it, but I was forced to), so I have plenty of grading and work to catch up on Saturday afternoon, and possibility doing it at Kara's Starbucks (note: businesses near where you live belong to you) might be more productive then my own home. Eric also has a paper due in between his  working at the bar, so not having me beg him for attention all weekend could be another positive.

I included these two pictures with grand dreams of a "let's hope Kara looks like this, not this" sort of theme, but actually she doesn't look thrilled to be hanging out with me in either one. 

 But, I look pretty happy, so at any rate, I'll have a great weekend. I'm not going to lie, I am super excited about my visit. How could I not be, getting to play with the only toddler I actually find interesting Faith??

That's better - just add treats.
The race on Sunday is really close to the Baltimore Marathon, so I'm planning to stick with last week's "run by feel" idea, and just see what happens. I want to push for a PR, but not destroy my legs so that my marathon is affected.

The weekend doesn't end there though, Sunday night, we are most likely going to see Second City, an improv show where lots of famous comedians got their start. I've seen it in Chicago and Toronto (the home cities) and it's been hilarious every time.


  1. these pictures make me so JEALOUS! AH!

  2. I think I have been doing the running thing all wrong...I need to invest in some oreos and then I would be smiling in the after-pictures too :)

  3. happy hour is my night out too! that's why i like it so much - you get to go out and be in bed early. best of both worlds.

    i can't wait to read the recap of the kara/alyssa weekend running adventures.

  4. What's happy hour? Oh, it's that rare hour when my kids are in bed and I get to do whatever I want...without clingons! No no it's that hour I get to run without the jogging stroller or a kids standing in front of my treadmill tattling on their sibling. Right?!

    have a great time running with Kara.

  5. hahaha I am loving the photos of you and kara. priceless. have a great sleepover and a great 10 miler :D

  6. Woohoo for more running weekends filled with fun!

    You can't judge my facial expressions because I take awful pictures and my post-50K face leaves much to be desired. :)

  7. Have a great weekend!! I love Piano Bars. :)

  8. I'm jealous of your running adventures. I'll forward this to my new running buddies in the hopes that they bring oreos for tomorrow's long run...but I'm doubtful.

  9. Oh man I'm totally looking forward to going to bed early tonight. I hope you two have fun this weekend!

  10. Have a great weekend! Second City sounds like a lot of fun. Hope you guys enjoy yourselves!

  11. My first thought when I saw a picture of a jar of pickles was that you were pregnant. Why does everyone associate them with pregnant women?

  12. Kara looks so serious! Unless Oreos are involved. Happy hour is about as exciting as it gets here too. When younger friends invite us to things that start at 9 or 10 pm I think "wow, that's late." Olded. Have a great weekend!

  13. Pickles are the BEST after a run! So so good! I hope you had a great run and a fab weekend!


Thanks for commenting! Comments make me probably more happy than they should.