Monday, June 27, 2016

Random life updates, because what else?

I'm basically dying right now because Eric had to work at the bar last night. I tried so hard to stay up so we could watch Game of Thrones when he got home but it didn't happen. Now he's at work again for summer school training so I HAVEN'T WATCHED. I deleted all social media from my phone and I'm not even watching the Today show for fear of spoilers. I'm in a black hole, hiding from the world until we watch after bedtime tonight.

This face tho. 
So while I'm avoiding the world, here's some life updates.

Dalton finally bonded with this bear. He had never had any special item/lovie (sp?) before like many kids do, so I figured it just wasn't for him. Then he randomly became obsessed with this bear in the hospital gift shop when he came to meet Royce and Eric bought it for him. Now, it's his thing.

And I let my toddler help cook dinner. With vodka sauce. Because I'm a great mom. 
The other morning he shared it with his little brother and my heart exploded. He is actually the sweetest kid ever, and I'm not at all biased. 

I saw my doctor and got cleared for exercise! With the obvious caveats of taking it slow and stopping if anything hurt. I was so excited and got on the treadmill that evening. As soon as I started running, my incision area started hurting. Womp womp. I stopped and did an incline walk instead, because I'm not screwing with healing from surgery.

Eric suggested I come to his gym with him and do some weight training rather than impact exercise.

We made it a family affair (minus Dalton, sorry). 
I went two days last week and lifted all sorts of heavy stuff. Friday, I tried running again - no pain! Sunday I did a total of a mile of running (with walk/run intervals, not continuously). I'm definitely in the worst shape I've ever been in my adult life, and really starting from scratch since I was relatively inactive during my second pregnancy. I'm not complaining though, I don't regret a single pregnant nap and being fat and lazy now is well worth it to produce these guys.

Best picture I could get of their matching outfits.

I'm excited to work on getting my endurance "back" (in quotes because I have no plans to get back to ultra marathons or anything at this stage of my life).

We went out for Ethiopian Friday night. Gotta take advantage of the time when Royce is easy to bring places because he'll just sleep. Ethiopian is our favorite food, and it was wonderful to be able to eat it while not pregnant (aka not feeling full after two bites because baby).

Not a great picture but he was loving life. 
We went to IKEA Saturday because that's what suburban families do.

He stopped holding my hand to put his in his pocket. I DIE.
I struck up a conversation with a woman pregnant with her second boy, and she asked me in a terrified voice "is it hard with two?". Similar to the manner in which I asked everyone I knew this question just a few months ago. I've only just struck the surface, but I told her as far as the transition went, it wasn't a cakewalk but it wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined. Of course, I'm probably not qualified to answer since I've had way more help than most people having Eric home, but, hey, life ain't fair. Still, I think it's safe to say that in many ways it was harder and more exhausting being pregnant with a toddler vs. a toddler and a newborn. A toddler and a mobile baby: now that scares me. 

Eric has been working a few days a week at various professional developments, and he worked at the bar all weekend, which meant I was once again solo for the toughest part of the day: bedtime. Except not really, because Saturday, I had my dad visiting for most of it, and he was a huge help and played with Dalton pretty much the whole time.

And held Royce, naturally. 
Sunday, I was truly on  my own, as all my friends with one or fewer kids were busy so I couldn't trick them into hanging out with me and chasing my toddler for me. Rude. Somehow, I pushed through and managed to care for my own children by myself.

2 more hours until we can watch and counting. 

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