Let's move on to New Year's Resolutions. Last year I resolved to run a marathon, run a half marathon in under 2 hours, and be more patient. I accomplished the first two, so I think that's decent. This year I'm being a little more ambitious and dividing up my goals into four categories.
1. Run a marathon in 4:30 or under.
2. Do core work at least 3 times each week.
3. Do strength training at least 3 times each week.
4. Complete a triathlon.
5. Do Yoga at least 1 time each week.
Sort of seems like a lot but they overlap, like core work and strength will most likely be in the same workout, and I could certain types of yoga, like Bikram, as both as well.
1. Limit time to facebook/reading blogs/wasting time on the computer to one hour or less (unless Eric is out of town).
2. Post on this blog at least 3 times a week (at least that's one resolution I am tackling today!)
3. (The big one) Accept what people have to offer without judgement. I think I've really been much too judgemental lately so this will be my most challenging resolution, but also the one most important to me.
1. Start a mint.com budget.
2. Change my 403B allocation.
1. Get organized! This is one goal but I divided it up into mini - organizational goals for each month.
- January - organize our desk, put important documents in a firesafe box, identify spots for paperwork and incoming mail
- February - my shelves at work; all my curriculum guides and materials are an eyesore
- March - Art supplies in my classroom
- April - Recipes; print ones from online, clip ones from magazines, and put all into the adorable binder I got for my wedding 2.5 years ago that is still empty
- May - classroom manipulatives
- June - classroom file cabinets
- July - email and H drive; create folders and file all documents and emails that are still needed
- August - print and put all pictures in albums (or scrapbooks if I have learned to do that by then!)
- September - go through apartment and donate or get rid of all clothes/items we no longer use or need
- October - Assess finances and financial documents, make any necessary changes and destroy any old unnecessary documents
- November - create a workout binder with all the ideas I've printed/ripped out of magazines
- December - spices (my spice cabinet is a hot mess, and this is a busy month so I choose a pretty easy task!)
You are allowed a day off!! I always give myself one day off a week!! I try to only do 30 minutes of good stretches & if im up for it some core work!! Don't feel guilty at all :-) & yes, 4 days this week is fantastic!! I love your goals!! I'll keep you accountable & you keep me accountable! Deal? Awesome :-)! Happy New Year!!!