Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Treadmill love

I've come full circle on the treadmill, from hating it to not quite loving it, but being at that point in the relationship where you think you feel it, but you don't want to be the first to say it.....

Erin recommended making a special interval mix for speed workouts, and having all high energy songs makes a big difference.

My marathon group track workout was technically on for tonight, but I really want to work on my speed, and walking over ice + constant terror of breaking my leg doesn't make for the fastest workout. The set that our coach had emailed us had a whole bunch of 200s (intervals that only take like a minute) and I'm way too lazy to push the buttons that much on a treadmill. So I randomly googled interval workouts and actually found one that I liked for sprint triathlon training, so now I can consider myself "in training" for that - right?

I've heard that all those magic iphones have special "apps" that tell you what to do during your workout and all that cool stuff. However, I apply the same level of sophistication to my workout plan that I do to my important document organization.
It did the trick, plus it doubled as a handy "cover up the time because I am running for more than double the 30 minute limit during busy times" tool. I know I should be more supportive of the January Joiners, but I just can't feel guilty about it when everyone around me is just using the treadmill for a gentle stroll or texting. I'm a workout snob, whatever at least I own it! And I did my cooldown on the bike, which freed up the treadmill 5 minutes early, plus it goes along with my triathlon training theme.

My booty was sore from all the lunges in Level 2 of 6 Pack Abs, and this workout was pretty tough. 6.5 miles of speedwork (including walking breaks in between intervals). I think I might have to cut back to only doing the Ab Challenge 3 times this week - as much as I want to stick to it, I need to focus on my marathon training and something is making me feel sluggish during those long runs.

I read this Runner's World article about mantras - it sounds a little cheesy but I really wanted to create one so I've been playing with some of the words they suggest in my head during runs. I kept repeating "Run Strong, You have power" in my head, and it was working out pretty well for me. Feel free to steal it if you want. You're welcome.

I felt dizzy and nauseous when I stepped off the treadmill, and judging from the amount of puking that goes on during the Biggest Loser, that's the sign of a good workout.

Speaking of BL, I can't wait to find out who the unknowns are!


  1. I have to ask what is the Ab Challenge? Sounds like a great workout!

  2. Love the "Sarcasm is just one service I offer". : )
    Good workout. I didn't make it to the gym today. My kids were AWFUL today. Maybe has something to do with the full moon? I can do anything for 3 more days, right?

  3. I love the treadmill. Sometimes I have a hard time staying motivated to keep going, but last night I watched a good show and it kept my mind off of what I was doing for a full hour! Maybe you can try watching a show you love when you do TM workouts?


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