Friday, January 14, 2011

What you're gonna do, is look, RIDICULOUS

10 points if you can tell me who that quote is from.

Baltimore got like an inch of snow Tuesday night and they surprisingly dealt with it like big boys and big girls. Got the plows out, and aside from a two hour delay, it was business as usual on Wednesday, as opposed to the entire city shutting down like normal. They're learning - maybe I'll hang out here for awhile after all!

My grad class and tutoring don't start up again until February, and with Christmas craziness over and my husband busy with 13 year old girls every night (he coaches 8th grade basketball, what was your dirty mind thinking?) I suddenly feel like I have some extra time to play with. So I'm going to workout hardcore so I can look like Michelle Obama in May when I'm a bridesmaid in my BFF's wedding. And, as I've mentioned, some Gwen Stefani abs wouldn't hurt.

Side note - I saw Gwen in concert when I was 13 (in 1996!) and again in 2009. So basically, pre and post babies. Her abs DID NOT change - its freaky. Apparently neither does my taste in music.

So Tuesday I didn't head to the track, since we were getting freezing rain. I'll go out in somewhat bad weather to run but even with all my broomball training I wasn't risking a broken leg. I headed to the treadmill and busted out 5 * 800s at my 5K pace - 7:53. When I was done a kickboxing class was starting, so I figured, what the hell, I'll get some upper body work in. This class was NO JOKE and we had to do all these punches holding 5lb weights plus all sorts of squats & lunges. I still feel it in my arms.

Thursday morning I had to talk myself in to getting up at the crack of dawn for a 6 mile tempo run - the weather was 10 degrees with the wind chill, it was pitch black, I still had to dodge some ice, and when I drove around the night before checking out the route (nerd alert) the only one I could find was the most brutal, hilly one. Good times. Here's what I wear to run in 10 degree weather:
Basically I turn into a Ninja with a headlamp to find the ice, which turned out to be extremely necessary. I actually got hot and took off the face mask before my warmup was done and even took off the gloves while I was "sprinting" up some hills. I always try to remind myself I will not actually be cold during the run.

Despite all that, my splits were:

9:00 - this was up the killer hill where my pace slowed to over 13 min miles!!

Even though only two miles are in my McMillan tempo pace, obviously the calculator doesn't take into account weather/hills/ etc so I consider it a success.

Did Jillian level 1 but with all the hard options 4 times already this week - every day M-Th. Go my abs!

Also did a few other workouts not interesting enough to type up.

Happy Friday!


  1. Happy snow, it's crazy here in Syracuse!!!

  2. Ninja with a headlamp? ahh haha. You look so warm! Hope you have a fabulous Friday!


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