Sunday, March 3, 2013

My March Madness

It's FINALLY March! I have been waiting and waiting for this month for a variety of reasons.

1. Today is Harrison's 7 month birthday! Ok I haven't been waiting and waiting for that, but it's still exciting.

2. This year's standardized testing will finally be over.

3. Spring break begins! Only 25 more days. But who's counting?

4. The Host comes out! I only know one other person (my work BFF, Kristin) who is excited about this or even knows what it is, but that's enough for me. The Host is another book by the same author who wrote the Twilight series. Obviously Twilight is on it's own level and this can't be compared to it, but I listened to it on audiobook in the car and it was pretty good. So I've really been looking forward to the movie, especially since all my other young adult dystopian novel events (Catching Fire coming out, the third Divergent book, the Divergent movie, etc) are much too far in the future right now.

This one is about aliens, not vampires.
5. Game of Thrones, season 3 begins. In exactly 4 weeks. Again, not that I'm counting down the days or posting trails excessively on Facebook or anything.

I'm about to make a really bold statement, and I've given it a lot of thought to make sure I truly stand behind it. 

I'm looking forward to GOT season 3 just a tiny bit less than I was looking forward to the Hunger Games movie at this time last year. If HG was a 10 on the anticipating scale, GOT3 is like a 9.8.

The downside is that we caught on to Game of Thrones late in the game, so for seasons 1 and 2 we watched the whole thing back to back over just a few days. Now we'll actually have to wait a week in between episodes, which sounds horrible.

6. It's marathon time.

Just one week left until the Lower Potomac Marathon and the nerves are finally starting to creep in. I've only ran 25 miles this week (5 are on the schedule for later today). Another way to put that would be that I've run fewer miles over the course of this entire week than I will be running all at once and it was still hard. 

Monday: 5 miles

Tuesday: NOPE

Wednesday: I ran 6 miles. It was supposed to be 7 but that damn snooze button got me. It was also supposed to be 2 at 10k race pace (7:50) but that was another fail, those two ended up being 8:15 and 7:55. 

Thursday: NOPE

Friday: supposed to be a 5 mile morning run, ended up being a 4 mile evening run at 8:35 on OUR NEW TREADMILL (more on that once we get it totally situated). 

Saturday: 10 mile run at the pathetic pace of 9:50, pathetic because it actually felt hard.

So as you can see, the theme of this week is run less and run slower than I'm supposed to. I'm not trying to make excuses, but honestly I felt that stress and grief hit me hard and it wasn't my best 7 days all around. But my new motto is "WWGD" (what would Gram do?) and she'd turn it around and focus on the positive. 

Yikes, that was cheesy, but I'm allowed to have my moments in between all the sarcasm.

What are you excited for this month? And if it's Game of Thrones or The Host I will be emailing you to talk about it.


  1. I am so excited for GOT and then True Blood after that. It's why I got HBO :)

    I think you feel this way every time you taper and then you kill it on race day.

    I'm not excited for The Host, but I'd probably watch it.

  2. I think I'm excited for The Host movie! I loved the book, but I'm not in love with the teaser trailers I've seen. I'm holding out hope that it will be awesome.

  3. I liked the Host a lot... if they do it well, it could be an awesome movie! I'm about to start reading Catching Fire, but will be reading it in analytical mode, as part of my studying how to write great fiction.

    I'm really trying to wean off TV completely, and focus more on doing creative things, but it's like quicksand for me. So I'm not having much success just yet.

  4. A 9:50 would be super fast for me! It's all perspective....keep up the great work and enjoy that treadmill. We may actually get a SNOWDAY this week!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. All you gotta do correctly for taper is NOT GET INJURED. And not forget to eat, but I hardly feel I need to mention that.

  7. I thought you meant you were excited for the actual March Madness at first and got really concerned, and angry. Hate that crap.

    Love that picture of Harrison! His 7 month birthday has been complete with naplessness and crying.

    I'm also excited for Game of Thrones except that I have like half of last season left to catch up on! Better hurry. And also Dancing with the Stars starts in like two weeks!!

  8. FYI, I totally read The Host and am pretty psyched to see it as well. Naturally, because that seems to be how you and I roll :)

  9. I'm excited for the Host too!!! The book was awesome. I'm pretty sure no one around here will go see it with me, though.

    I'm super psyched for this coming weekend!

  10. I can't wait for GOT. Tim and I are thinking about getting HBO just because I don't think I can wait to watch them each week. What treadmill did you get and HOW AMAZING IS IT?

  11. Omg, I'm so excited about The Host! I read that book first and I enjoyed the Twilight series but I thought The Host was better. I can't believe little Harrison is already 7 months old!


Thanks for commenting! Comments make me probably more happy than they should.